Thursday, November 7, 2013

American Horror Story: Coven: 3x5:"Burn,Witch. Burn!"

3x5: Burn, Witch. Burn! 


                                                   * Spoiler Alert *

So this episode starts off with a flash back of Madame  LaLaurie being the creep she is and hosting a party where she is auctioning off her daughters per usual. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with this women, or I guess what used to be. She literally is trying to see how much she can creep out the suitor before he backs out! She scares him by showing him eyeballs and intestines, I know gross! Bitch crazy!!! Her daughters are tired of her shit and disgusted with her and they are talking about offing her and she somehow finds out and locks her own fucking daughters in her " Chamber of Horrors"!! ( I know insane!)
 It then cuts to the bar where Fiona and Cordelia are reminding us that someone throw acid in Cordelia's face when she was in the bathroom in the last episode. We then find out at the hospital that Cordelia is in deed blind. Fiona is feeling all regretful about being a shitty parent so she then goes and tries to unite some random women with her child and it was a little random and weird. I mean I did understand the concept of what she was trying to do I did not feel that bad for Fiona because she soon reverts back to her usual bitchy self. 
Then its back to the academy where it ended last episode with the literal walking dead on the front lawn along with Madame LaLaurie's daughters. They realize that there is nothing they can do to stop the zombies but of course someone has to be the "hero" and of course its the hot guy from next door ( who I don't want to die because well he's hot, I know I am so shallow). These zombies then awaken from their weird asleep but not asleep stupor with the orders of the voodoo queen Marie Laveau of course ( who summoned them to seek her revenge of course). And who gets attacked..? The hot guy next door of course!!  Nan then goes out to try and save him because she  has a crush on him and it is so fucking cute, the crush  I mean. Anyways there is not much that either he or Nan can do in plus he is injured so  Zoe (Benson) comes out and distracts the zombies and lead them away from the house and the car that Nan and the guy next door are hiding in. Meanwhile Madame LaLaurie lets her daughter in (who is one of the zombies) with the idea that she is somehow still her daughter and thinking that she has somehow forgiven her after all of the horrible things she has done. Her daughter then attacks her and the other people in the house, she attacks Spaulding and proceeds to try and attack Queenie only for Madame LaLaurie to kill her ( well I guess because technically she is already dead). Meanwhile outside Zoe is being a bad ass for once and is cutting all of the zombies up with a chainsaw and I have never been more proud of her! Back at the hospital Fiona is arguing with Cordelia's husband who may or may not be a serial killer. Fiona then returns back to the academy, burns the remnants of the zombies, only to then have to face the council.
 The council is  trying to get Fiona to step down or better yet disappear because she has caused nothing but trouble since she got there!  Fiona being the manipulative bitch that she is  then somehow conveniences the council that one of their own members, Myrtle Snow is actually responsible for the things that they are trying to blame her for! With the help of Queenie she frames Myrtle and this results in her being burned at the stake! The only person who seems affected or even the slightest bit traumatized by this is Zoe (which is really no surprise because I mean she is just so sensitive this season) and Queenie. Probably because Fiona somehow convinces Queenie to help her set up Myrtle using her power of voodoo, so naturally Queenie feels guilty because she killed someone and she doesn't even know if the women was guilty or not! Fiona once again puts on her manipulative act and convinces Queenie that she should trust her because she could be the next supreme, yeah okay ! I swear Fiona's new name  should just be The Supreme Bitch because that is truly what she is!!  The episode ends with  Misty possibly bringing Myrtle back to life because she has the power of resurgence and all. Oh yeah there was no Kyle ( Evan Peters) so that sucks because I miss his beautiful face!! Spaulding is still being a fucking creep and dancing in the attic and storing Madison's dead body in that trunk even though she smells and rigor mortis  has started to set in, yeah he scares me! So that was all for this episode. I really cant wait for more Kyle and the possibility of a little romance! Hopefully between Kyle and Zoe or Nan and the neighbor, who knows!? 

Well Byeeeeee until Next Thursday! I cant wait, fingers crossed for more Kyle! I know I'm obsessed *shrugs* Evan Peters is hot! - Keira 

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